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Themes & Services

Themes & Services

GEEXCO Consulting company provides outstanding services in strategic business areas which result from adapting to market developments. Hence, new themes are continuously integrated into the existing GEEXCO portfolio. Such themes are often multi-disciplinary in nature so that related concepts are elaborated by GEEXCO teams from various departments who bring a variety of competences and expertise to the table. It typically portrays challenges and GEEXCO services in the field in question and refers to selected projects GEEXCO assists or assisted during implementation in a specific country or region.

The expertise of GEEXCO covers a broad range of thematic sectors, and it has gained considerable experience through both direct involvement in project operations led by itself, and collaborations with several partners.

GEEXCOis a one-stop hub for all types of development projects, and coordinationcenter providing tailored information and business support services. Customization of our services and the international reach of the group help us create additional value that benefits clients and members alike.

GEEXCO is renowned for the high quality of their methodological and managerial services throughout the project cycle. Using a global perspective, GEEXCO helps organizations to draft and implement their strategies in the following areas :


Public and private Finances / Investments and Banking

  • Technical Assistance in Investments and Projects Fundraising;

  • Prospective Advisory in Public and Private Finances

  • Business Plan Development

  • Bidding Studies

  • Business Model Management

  • Consulting studies in investments

  • Consulting in Management and Financial Engineering

  • Technical assistance / Financial Intermediation in Private and Public Projects Management

  • Financial and banking institutions installment

  • Economic and financial studies development

  • Bankable Public and Private projects development

Audit, Accounting and Tax management

  • Balance sheet Development

  • Accounting and Tax Audit

  • Financial Audit of Management Supervision

  • Institutional and Programmatic Audit

  • Tax Engineering and Management

  • Assistance and Tax advisory


Research and Socioeconomic Studies including other Development Consulting services

  • Project and programme identification and formulation

  • Project Implementation and management

  • Ex-ante, mid-term and ex-post evaluations

  • Elaboration and setting-up of M&E systems

  • Monitoring of Projects and programmes

  • Financial and Economic studies

  • Planning and design

  • Decentralization and local development Plans

  • Resources Mobilization and local Tax Reforms Plans

  • Municipalities and Local Entities Management plans

  • Manuals of Procedure design

  • Institutional Policies and Roadmaps design

  • Environmental and Social Impacts Assessment

  • Resettlement Actions Plan Development

  • Marketing Research and Studies

  • Marketing plans and Roadmap Design

  • Business Plan Management

  • Bidding Studies

  • Sale and commercial expansion strategy de-sign

  • Rural Development Roadmaps (Agriculture, livestock, fisheries, environment, Mines, hand-crafts and local industries)

  • Master plans and Urbanism Schemes develop-ment

  • Advisory services on policy and strategy

  • Feasibility and pre-investment studies

  • Environmental Impact Assessment

  • Geographic Information Systems and Location studies

  • Research and Development

  • Master Plans Development

Delegated Institutional management

  • Delegated Projects and Programs Manage-ment

  • Community, public and private institutions Management and Advisory

  • Delegated Investment Projects and Com-mercial structures Management

  • Official / Public Events Planning and Mana-gement

  • Technical Support to SME/ PMI manage-ment Units

  • Technical Support to Farmers’ organizations and holding structures

  • Technical Support to Investors and econo-mic operators

  • Delegated management in Staffs Recruit-ment

  • Audit and Organizational plans


Communication / Information & Communication Technology (ICT)

  • Communication Strategies and plans development

  • Communicational infrastructure and facilities implementation

  • Communicational Structure Management

  • Timestamp Project development and Implementation

  • Data Center Project development and implementation

  • Wiring and Networking Studies

  • Delegated Management for ICT Projects and Programs

Civil Engineering, including technical assistance in Buildings, Roads and Public Works.

  • Site appraisal and site planning

  • Construction management

  • Technical Control in Public Works and Government Services

  • Technical Control in Roads, Dams and Buildings Construction

  • Technical Control in Sanitation and Water Sources Construction

  • Technical Control in Hydraulic infrastructures and Equipment Construction

  • Technical Control in Rural Engineering works

  • Conduct of Topographic Surveys and Studies

  • Topographic Maps Development

  • Contracting / procurement, supervision

  • Architectural Studies


Trainings and Capacity Building

  • Administrative Management Techniques

  • Management and Marketing Styles

  • Management tools design methodologies

  • Human Resources Management

  • Human Development and personal effec-tiveness

  • Strategic and operational guidelines

  • Capacity building techniques

  • Training and study tours

  • Workshops and seminars

  • Team building and coaching

Our Main Sectors of Expertise

  • Agriculture
  • Forestry and Fishery
  • Culture
  • Civil Society
  • Good Governance
  • Water
  • Sanitation
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Industry
  • Handcrafts
  • Mines
  • Climate Change
  • Finances
  • Business
  • Administration and Public Policy
  • Capacity Building
  • Growth and Poverty reduction
  • Health and Education
  • Cities Management
  • Urbanism and Urbanization
  • Transports and Roads
  • Infrastructure
  • Civil Engineering
  • Buildings and Public Works


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